Monday, July 28, 2014

Need to lose 50 pounds? Try this

If you need to lose 50 pounds and are really desperate, understand that the body holds fat because of something called inflammation. It is the inability to reduce inflammation body fat that is largely responsible for the fact that we have an obesity epidemic. The thousands of daily readers of this site in now over 10 countries are aware that tackling inflammation fat is the key to losing weight.  If you need to lose 50 pounds this article will explain how the specific combination of foods will cause the fastest weight loss.


The power of combining foods

Food is the most powerful weight loss tool when used in the correct way, when the specific combinations of foods are utilized the end result is a much thinner body in a very short time. Synergy is how to create a very healthy and fast weight loss, this means that health researchers have revealed that it is the specific combinations of foods which work together to dually remove excessive body fat. Few dieters are aware of the power of cherries, this website is read in over 10 countries daily because we reveal what other healthy sites do not. Cherries are one of the few foods to ever be shown which can literally target stomach fat

The 3 month study by the University of Michigan found that when subjects were fed tart cherries there was a reduction of almost 10 percent of belly fat over those fed a typical diet. What may be equally amazing is that dark red cherries consumption had a powerful ability to alter fat genes leading to weight loss.

As amazing as cherries are for fat loss we can show that combining it with yogurt creates a synergy affect, doubling the loss of body fat. Plain yogurt has a compound called probiotics which have been shown in numerous of studies to promote weight loss, the phyto-chemicals in the cherries combine with the yogurt to create an even more targeted weight loss.

Starting this now with a Cherry recipe

½ cup of almond milk ( or any milk you desire)


½ cup of water


1 ounce of real tart cherries (frozen or fresh)


½ cup of any nuts (nuts contain fats which do not promote weight but do stop hunger)


7 ice cubes


Put in blender and enjoy


If you need to lose 50 pounds( or any amount) the Swedish wedding group showed that it is the combining of very specific foods which create the fastest and healthiest weight loss, this is how the women were able to fit the dress


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to lose 10 pounds with science and coffee

We received an email from a woman who used our diet and added her special coffee recipe, the end result causes her to lose 10 pounds very quickly. It never seizes to amazing us on this site all the different successful weight loss results from people using this site.  In actuality it is the scientific based diet approach which makes our readers thin. It is clear that a science based diet causes a reduction in body fat, but it is interesting that a woman added a coffee recipe which helped her lose the weight even faster.




How one of our thousands of readers lost 10 pounds in 21 days


Here is the recipe she used each morning and evening for 3 weeks on the science based diet.



1. The Latino Coffee called  Bustelo   (available everywhere)





½ teaspoon of cinnamon


¼ teaspoon nutmeg


a little Almond milk


Janet.S combined the ingredients above and drank this coffee with 2 eggs and 2 slices of rye toast with real butter for her breakfast. She used combined her coffee recipe with the SCIENCE BASED DIET   used by the many readers of this site. This caused a rapid loss of body fat. In 3 week she lost 10 pounds on the diet while adding her coffee recipe with breakfast and right after dinner.   This site is used in over 17 countries because the science based diet works but this is the first time someone tried it by adding their own coffee recipe.



The science behind the coffee does exist


One clinical study published in the scientific French review Phytothérapie demonstrated fat-reducing effects of a green (non-roasted) coffee bean extract. One group of volunteers was given 400 mg of a decaffeinated green coffee extract daily, and the second group received a placebo.  After 60 days of supplementation, participants who received the green coffee extract had lost 5.7 percent of their initial weight.  By contrast, the group that received a placebo had lost 2.8 percent of their initial weight.


Our reader did not use anything else but the popular Latino coffee used in many ethic neighborhoods all over the world.




Losing weight with a science based diet becomes simple and this is why people in 17 countries use it. There is no need for weight watchers, south beach or any other of these commercial diets which cost you thousands of dollars over the years.  Stick with real science and you get really thin, have fun with our diet and add coffee if you like!





*How a science based diet which was started in Europe for diabetics is now used in over 17 countries by people with or without diabetes to lose body fat safely and quickly*